Company Overview
Coming into our nineteenth year of business some things have changed at Bevel. We use a lot more Cherry and Walnut timbers now than ever before. The traditional timber knobs have been largely replaced by the more contemporary graceful lines. We have moved from Bevel Country Furniture to Bevel Furniture encompassing a more modern range of furniture, but the integrity of the work remains. Starting with a small workshop of only 20ft by 60ft in 1990 it has doubled in size twice over the years and now stands at an impressive 5000sq ft, fully equipped workshop.
Teaming up with letterfrack graduate Peter Mullan, Bevel
now offers a design
consultation for “Free” to help you in receiving that
custom designed Hand-crafted piece of hardwood furniture you desire. We acknowledge
and thank the loyalty of our customers over the last 19 years and our absence
from interior design magazines and the like is testament to you, our customer,
for coming back time and again for new pieces of furniture.
The future ahead is very uncertain for us all but be reassured we at Bevel will
remain filling a very distinct and important role in the Irish market.
Bevel Furniture support Hook Tourism